Journal Of Law Science is an International Journal, a journal aims to be a peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information. We publish original research papers, review articles and case studies focused on law and judiciary as well as related topics. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least one referee. JHP is managed to be issued three times in every volume. The Scope of Journal of Law Science is: Law: including civil law, criminal law, administrative law, military law, constitutional law, international law. Judiciary: including judicial case management and management of the judicial apparatus.


Published: 2024-07-30

International organisation law as a political instrument and indonesia's experience in case studies

Rizi Darajatiula, Shelly Astriani, Febby Loviyanti, Cherin Tarigan, M Rifky Pulungan, Indra Tanjung


An analysis of the implications of taxation on equity in relation to national development

Ayang Fristia Maulana, Siti Nurfadilah Apiati, Laila Arofah, Arya Aditiya, Muhammad Solihin


Enforcement of the income tax statement law to foreign companies taxable abroad in Indonesia

Ayang Fristia Maulana, Khusaeni Khusaeni, Najwa Choerunnisa, Hanum Febriana, Virda Sofiatul Husna


Juridical Analysis of Primary Clinic Permits As Aesthetic Clinics

Yulia Susanti, Khairani Khairani, Syofirman Syofyan, Elsa Yuniarti


Navigating the quantum future: Legal perspectives from the united states and saudi arabia

Fatema Al Jarri, Rawan Alshayib, Arwa Alrakah, Layan Al Ali, Sara Alshayeb, Naya Nagy


Implementation of government regulations and, regulation the minister of finance in income tax withholding 2024

Ayang Fristia Maulana, Robiatul Adawiyah, Sulis Suhartini, Muhammad Abdurrohman


The role of tax law in the national economy

Ayang Fristia Maulana, Afi Nurul Febriyanti, Jihan Hidayah, Siti Alivia Azzahra, Doddy Darly


Public perception of online news: big data analysis using netlytic

Nugra Pratama, Edi Santoso, Ardiansyah Ardiansyah


Legal protection for Indonesian workers in various countries Adenpati

Agripa Turnip, Adenpati Surbakti, Jemita Br Pandia, Rasyd Harahap, Sitti Wardana, Indra U Tanjung


Restructuring arrangements of state electricity company (persero) through the formation of subholdings in company law

Ni Putu Sawitri Nandari, Kadek Julia Mahadewi, I Putu Edi Rusmana, Anak Agung Ayu Intan Puspadewi
